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This function allows users to specify more fine-tuned details of their conjoint analysis. In particular, users can set very specific quantities of interest aside from simple AMCEs or MMs.


  .structure = "profile_level",
  .estimand = "mm",
  .att_notchoose = NULL,
  .lev_notchoose = NULL,
  .att_choose_b = NULL,
  .lev_choose_b = NULL,
  .att_notchoose_b = NULL,
  .lev_notchoose_b = NULL



Either "profile_level" or "choice_level"


Either "mm" for marginal mean or "amce" for average marginal component effect


A character column name identifying the attribute of interest (i.e., for the attribute-level or attribute-levels chosen).


A character vector identifying the level or levels of interest (i.e., for the attribute-level or attribute-levels chosen). Its length should be 1 for profile-level analysis and 1+ for choice-level analysis


A character column name identifying the attribute of interest (i.e., for the attribute-level or attribute-levels not chosen). This argument should be specified only if the .structure argument is "choice-level".


A character vector identifying the level or levels of interest (i.e., for the attribute-level or attribute-levels not chosen). Its length should be 1 for profile-level analysis and 1+ for choice-level analysis. This argument should be specified only if the .structure argument is "choice-level".


[baseline for AMCE] A character column name identifying the attribute of interest (i.e., for the attribute-level or attribute-levels chosen).


[baseline for AMCE] A character vector identifying the level or levels of interest (i.e., for the attribute-level or attribute-levels chosen). Its length should be 1 for profile-level analysis and 1+ for choice-level analysis


[baseline for AMCE] A character column name identifying the attribute of interest (i.e., for the attribute-level or attribute-levels not chosen*). This argument should be specified only if the .structure argument is "choice-level".


[baseline for AMCE] A character vector identifying the level or levels of interest (i.e., for the attribute-level or attribute-levels not chosen). Its length should be 1 for profile-level analysis and 1+ for choice-level analysis. This argument should be specified only if the .structure argument is "choice-level".


A projoint_qoi object