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Most of the work in analyzing a conjoint task is correctly specifying the data and columns. In projoint, the reshape_projoint function makes it easy!

2.1 Load the projoint package

2.2 Read and wrangle data

With the flipped repeated tasks

Let’s look at a simple example. We expand all those arguments below for clarity:

outcomes <- paste0("choice", seq(from = 1, to = 8, by = 1))
outcomes1 <- c(outcomes, "choice1_repeated_flipped")
out1 <- reshape_projoint(.dataframe = exampleData1, 
                         .outcomes = outcomes1,
                         .outcomes_ids = c("A", "B"),
                         .alphabet = "K", 
                         .idvar = "ResponseId", 
                         .repeated = TRUE,
                         .flipped = TRUE, 
                         .covariates = NULL,
                         .fill = FALSE)

Let’s walk through the arguments we have specified. .dataframe is a data frame, ideally read in from Qualtrics using read_Qualtrics() but not necessarily. The .idvar argument, a character, indicates that in exampleData1, the column ResponseId indicates unique survey respondents. The .outcomes variable lists all the columns that are outcomes; the last element in this vector is the repeated task (if it was conducted). .outcomes_ids indicates the possible options for an outcome; specifically, it is a vector of characters with two elements, which are the last characters of the names of the first and second profiles. For example, it should be c(“A”, “B”) if the profile names are “Candidate A” and “Candidate B”. This character vector can be anything, such as c(“1”, “2”), c(“a”, “b”), etc. If you have multiple tasks in your design, you should use the same profile names across all these tasks. .alphabet defaults to “K” if the conjoint survey was conducted using either our tool or Strezhnev’s Conjoint Survey Design Tool. The final two arguments, .repeated and .flipped, again relate to the repeated task. If the .repeated is set to TRUE, then the last element of the .outcomes vector is taken to be a repetition of the first task; .flipped indicates whether the profiles are in the reversed order. See Section 2.3 for .fill.

With the not-flipped repeated tasks

As a slight variation, in some cases the repeated task is not flipped – that is, in the repeated task, the original Profile 1 is still Profile 1, rather than flipping positions to Profile 2. Here we specify that by changing .flipped to FALSE. In the following, we drop the default arguments.

outcomes2 <- c(outcomes, "choice1_repeated_notflipped")
out2 <- reshape_projoint(.dataframe = exampleData2, 
                         .outcomes = outcomes2,
                         .repeated = TRUE,
                         .flipped = FALSE)

Without the repeated tasks

Or in cases with no repeated task at all, we set .repeated to FALSE and .flipped to NULL. Don’t worry, we can still correct for measurement error using an extrapolation method; see our third vignette for details.

out3 <- reshape_projoint(.dataframe = exampleData3, 
                         .outcomes = outcomes,
                         .repeated = FALSE)

2.3 The .fill argument

The .fill argument is logical: TRUE if you want to use information about whether a respondent chose the same profile for the repeated task and “fill” (using the ‘tidyr’ package) missing values for the non-repeated tasks, FALSE (otherwise).

You can see the difference by comparing the results of reshape_projoint when .fill is either TRUE or FALSE.

fill_FALSE <- reshape_projoint(.dataframe = exampleData1, 
                               .outcomes = outcomes1,
                               .fill = FALSE)
fill_TRUE <- reshape_projoint(.dataframe = exampleData1, 
                              .outcomes = outcomes1,
                              .fill = TRUE)

Looking only at a subset of the variables, we can see that the first data frame includes the values for the agree variable (whether the same profile was chosen or not) only for the repeated task. The second data frame fills the missing values for the other non-repeated tasks.

selected_vars <- c("id", "task", "profile", "selected", "selected_repeated", "agree")
## # A tibble: 6,400 × 6
##    id                 task profile selected selected_repeated agree
##    <chr>             <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>             <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     1       1        1                 1     1
##  2 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     1       2        0                 0     1
##  3 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     2       1        1                NA    NA
##  4 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     2       2        0                NA    NA
##  5 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     3       1        1                NA    NA
##  6 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     3       2        0                NA    NA
##  7 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     4       1        0                NA    NA
##  8 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     4       2        1                NA    NA
##  9 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     5       1        1                NA    NA
## 10 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     5       2        0                NA    NA
## # ℹ 6,390 more rows
## # A tibble: 6,400 × 6
##    id                 task profile selected selected_repeated agree
##    <chr>             <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>             <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     1       1        1                 1     1
##  2 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     1       2        0                 0     1
##  3 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     2       1        1                NA     1
##  4 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     2       2        0                NA     1
##  5 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     3       1        1                NA     1
##  6 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     3       2        0                NA     1
##  7 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     4       1        0                NA     1
##  8 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     4       2        1                NA     1
##  9 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     5       1        1                NA     1
## 10 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     5       2        0                NA     1
## # ℹ 6,390 more rows

If the number of respondents is small, if the number of specific profile pairs of your interest is small, and/or if the number of specific respondent subgroups you want to study is small, it is worth changing this option to TRUE. But please note that .fill = TRUE is based on an assumption that IRR is independent of information contained in conjoint tables. Although our empirical tests suggest the validity of this assumption, if you are unsure about it, it is better to use the default value (FALSE).

2.4 What if your data is already clean?

If you have already downloaded your data set from Qualtrics, loaded it into R, and cleaned it, then you can use make_projoint_data() to save your data frame or tibble as a projoint_data object for use with the projoint(). Here is an example. First, load your data frame.

data <- exampleData1_labelled_tibble

It should look like the tibble below. Each row should correspond to one profile from one task for one respondent. The data frame should have columns indicating (1) the respondent ID, (2) task number, (3) profile number, (4) attributes, and (5) a column recording each response (0, 1) for each task. If your design includes the repeated task, it should also include a column recording the response for the repeated task. In this case, that column is select_repeated.

options(tibble.width = Inf)
## # A tibble: 6,400 × 14
##    id                 task profile selected selected_repeated `School Quality`
##    <chr>             <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>             <dbl> <chr>           
##  1 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     1       1        1                 1 9 out of 10     
##  2 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     1       2        0                 0 5 out of 10     
##  3 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     2       1        1                NA 9 out of 10     
##  4 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     2       2        0                NA 9 out of 10     
##  5 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     3       1        1                NA 5 out of 10     
##  6 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     3       2        0                NA 9 out of 10     
##  7 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     4       1        0                NA 5 out of 10     
##  8 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     4       2        1                NA 9 out of 10     
##  9 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     5       1        1                NA 5 out of 10     
## 10 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     5       2        0                NA 5 out of 10     
##    `Violent Crime Rate (Vs National Rate)` `Racial Composition`   
##    <chr>                                   <chr>                  
##  1 20% Less Crime Than National Average    50% White, 50% Nonwhite
##  2 20% More Crime Than National Average    50% White, 50% Nonwhite
##  3 20% More Crime Than National Average    90% White, 10% Nonwhite
##  4 20% More Crime Than National Average    96% White, 4% Nonwhite 
##  5 20% More Crime Than National Average    96% White, 4% Nonwhite 
##  6 20% More Crime Than National Average    90% White, 10% Nonwhite
##  7 20% Less Crime Than National Average    50% White, 50% Nonwhite
##  8 20% Less Crime Than National Average    50% White, 50% Nonwhite
##  9 20% Less Crime Than National Average    75% White, 25% Nonwhite
## 10 20% Less Crime Than National Average    96% White, 4% Nonwhite 
##    `Housing Cost`        `Presidential Vote (2020)`  
##    <chr>                 <chr>                       
##  1 30% of pre-tax income 50% Democrat, 50% Republican
##  2 30% of pre-tax income 70% Democrat, 30% Republican
##  3 30% of pre-tax income 50% Democrat, 50% Republican
##  4 40% of pre-tax income 30% Democrat, 70% Republican
##  5 40% of pre-tax income 70% Democrat, 30% Republican
##  6 30% of pre-tax income 30% Democrat, 70% Republican
##  7 15% of pre-tax income 70% Democrat, 30% Republican
##  8 15% of pre-tax income 50% Democrat, 50% Republican
##  9 15% of pre-tax income 50% Democrat, 50% Republican
## 10 30% of pre-tax income 50% Democrat, 50% Republican
##    `Total Daily Driving Time for Commuting and Errands`
##    <chr>                                               
##  1 75 min                                              
##  2 10 min                                              
##  3 75 min                                              
##  4 10 min                                              
##  5 10 min                                              
##  6 45 min                                              
##  7 25 min                                              
##  8 10 min                                              
##  9 75 min                                              
## 10 25 min                                              
##    `Type of Place`                                               race 
##    <chr>                                                         <fct>
##  1 Suburban neighborhood with houses only                        White
##  2 City – downtown, with a mix of offices, apartments, and shops White
##  3 Suburban neighborhood with mix of shops, houses, businesses   White
##  4 Suburban neighborhood with mix of shops, houses, businesses   White
##  5 Rural area                                                    White
##  6 Rural area                                                    White
##  7 Suburban neighborhood with houses only                        White
##  8 Suburban neighborhood with mix of shops, houses, businesses   White
##  9 City, more residential area                                   White
## 10 City, more residential area                                   White
##    ideology                    
##    <fct>                       
##  1 Moderate; middle of the road
##  2 Moderate; middle of the road
##  3 Moderate; middle of the road
##  4 Moderate; middle of the road
##  5 Moderate; middle of the road
##  6 Moderate; middle of the road
##  7 Moderate; middle of the road
##  8 Moderate; middle of the road
##  9 Moderate; middle of the road
## 10 Moderate; middle of the road
## # ℹ 6,390 more rows

Next, make a character vector of your attributes.

attributes <- c("School Quality",
                "Violent Crime Rate (Vs National Rate)",
                "Racial Composition",
                "Housing Cost",
                "Presidential Vote (2020)",
                "Total Daily Driving Time for Commuting and Errands",
                "Type of Place")

With your data frame and attributes vector, you can use make_projoint_data() to produce a projoint_data object. We can see above that the column indicating the respondent ID is called id, so we pass that to the .id_var argument of make_projoint_data. id is also the default for that argument.

out4 <- make_projoint_data(.dataframe = data,
                           .attribute_vars = attributes, 
                           .id_var = "id", # the default name
                           .task_var = "task", # the default name
                           .profile_var = "profile", # the default name
                           .selected_var = "selected", # the default name
                           .selected_repeated_var = "selected_repeated", # the default is NULL
                           .fill = TRUE)

The output from this function should look the same as the output of fill_FALSE in the previous section.

## An object of class "projoint_data"
## Slot "labels":
## # A tibble: 24 × 4
##    attribute_id level                        level_id  attribute               
##    <chr>        <chr>                        <chr>     <chr>                   
##  1 att1         15% of pre-tax income        att1:lev1 Housing Cost            
##  2 att1         30% of pre-tax income        att1:lev2 Housing Cost            
##  3 att1         40% of pre-tax income        att1:lev3 Housing Cost            
##  4 att2         30% Democrat, 70% Republican att2:lev1 Presidential Vote (2020)
##  5 att2         50% Democrat, 50% Republican att2:lev2 Presidential Vote (2020)
##  6 att2         70% Democrat, 30% Republican att2:lev3 Presidential Vote (2020)
##  7 att3         50% White, 50% Nonwhite      att3:lev1 Racial Composition      
##  8 att3         75% White, 25% Nonwhite      att3:lev2 Racial Composition      
##  9 att3         90% White, 10% Nonwhite      att3:lev3 Racial Composition      
## 10 att3         96% White, 4% Nonwhite       att3:lev4 Racial Composition      
## # ℹ 14 more rows
## Slot "data":
## # A tibble: 6,400 × 13
##    id                 task profile selected selected_repeated agree att4     
##    <chr>             <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>             <dbl> <dbl> <chr>    
##  1 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     1       1        1                 1     1 att4:lev2
##  2 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     1       2        0                 0     1 att4:lev1
##  3 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     2       1        1                NA     1 att4:lev2
##  4 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     2       2        0                NA     1 att4:lev2
##  5 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     3       1        1                NA     1 att4:lev1
##  6 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     3       2        0                NA     1 att4:lev2
##  7 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     4       1        0                NA     1 att4:lev1
##  8 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     4       2        1                NA     1 att4:lev2
##  9 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     5       1        1                NA     1 att4:lev1
## 10 R_00zYHdY1te1Qlrz     5       2        0                NA     1 att4:lev1
##    att7      att3      att1      att2      att5      att6     
##    <chr>     <chr>     <chr>     <chr>     <chr>     <chr>    
##  1 att7:lev1 att3:lev1 att1:lev2 att2:lev2 att5:lev4 att6:lev5
##  2 att7:lev2 att3:lev1 att1:lev2 att2:lev3 att5:lev1 att6:lev1
##  3 att7:lev2 att3:lev3 att1:lev2 att2:lev2 att5:lev4 att6:lev6
##  4 att7:lev2 att3:lev4 att1:lev3 att2:lev1 att5:lev1 att6:lev6
##  5 att7:lev2 att3:lev4 att1:lev3 att2:lev3 att5:lev1 att6:lev3
##  6 att7:lev2 att3:lev3 att1:lev2 att2:lev1 att5:lev3 att6:lev3
##  7 att7:lev1 att3:lev1 att1:lev1 att2:lev3 att5:lev2 att6:lev5
##  8 att7:lev1 att3:lev1 att1:lev1 att2:lev2 att5:lev1 att6:lev6
##  9 att7:lev1 att3:lev2 att1:lev1 att2:lev2 att5:lev4 att6:lev2
## 10 att7:lev1 att3:lev4 att1:lev2 att2:lev2 att5:lev2 att6:lev2
## # ℹ 6,390 more rows

2.5 Arrange the order and labels of attributes and levels

By default, reshaped data will have attributes and levels that are ordered alphabetically. If you would like to reorder or relable those attributes or levels, we make that process easy.

You first save the labels using save_labels(), which produces a CSV file. In that CSV file saved to your local computer, you should revise the column named order to specify the order of attributes and levels you want to display in your figure. You can also revise the labels for attributes and levels in any way you like. But you should not make any change to the first column named level_id. After saving the updated CSV file, you can use read_labels() to read in the modified CSV. We will use this object later in the projoint function.

save_labels(out1, "temp/labels_original.csv")
out1_arranged <- read_labels(out1, "temp/labels_arranged.csv")

You can find this data set on GitHub: labels_original.csv and labels_arranged.csv.

The figure based on the original order and labels is in the alphabetical order:

mm <- projoint(out1, .estimand = "mm")

The labels and order of all attribute-levels in the second figure is the same as Figure 2 in Mummolo and Nall (2017).

mm <- projoint(out1_arranged, .estimand = "mm")